Saturday, 28 May 2011


when we speak about human relationship often we met great surprises. Often we do not trust our neighbor for the fear of diffidence. Often we meet a high doze of rivalry to say "I am little more better than you" . The moment we realize that there are others who excel then one may even lose the mental balance and develop phobias. The mutual giving and sacrificing for others may not be in our vocabulary. Often we give much importance to our own blood relatives and we love to entertain them and even offer them good things or gifts. But other than our family relatives we consider the rest of the society members as strangers. We do not see any necessity of sharing.
Yet today in this digital and cyber world man finds himself lonely and he finds friends in the internet. Today the time can be occupied in internet chatting, in making digital friends. yet to my experience , even in the digital world the goodness floats. A seeker can find genuine friends who exercise a lot of patience and enable that one may share her or his talents with the rest of the humanity.
Today writing and sharing has assumed a great advantage. You get paid for anything you express. Then you accumulate the list of friends from any corner of the world. When one receives the positive wealth, then this acts stimulates for a mutual exchange. Anywhere it be - in the physical world or in a digital world man is essentially a social being.

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